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Brillouin microscopy at the 7th International BioBrillouin conference.

September 19, 2024
Last week Dr. Claudia Testi (post doc at IIT and involved in the ivBM-4PAP project) attended the 7th International BioBrillouin conference in Trondheim, Norway (11-13 September 2024). She presented her results, obtained in collaboration with IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital (Milan) on the use of Brillouin Microscopy in the characterization of mechanical features of murine bladder in a pathological condition, i.e. actinic cystitis. This work represents an additional step towards the main objective of the ivBM-4PAP project: Brillouin microscope as the only diagnostic tool with a fast, non-contact, label-free method with micrometric resolution for earlier detection of neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases.
For more information on the study:


Events, News
May 08, 2024
As part of the Biophysics Week (, an activity called ‘The Biophyzza Connection’ took place at the Agri-Food Market at the San Francisco Campus in Zaragoza.
The event, supported by the European project ivBM-4PAP, consisted of two informal talks by two researchers from the Institute of Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI): Dr. Nunilo Cremades (ivBM-4PAP partner) and Dr. Javier García-Nafría.

Upcoming events: Festival Delle Scienze 2024

Events, News
April 17, 2024
The error of man, the error of the machine. Making mistakes is a necessary step to learning. It applies to human beings as well as to the models training the neural networks on which algorithms and artificial intelligence are based. Recognizing and managing errors is therefore an important step, both in basic research and in its applications, such as medical research. But what if the error is made when choosing the data to train the machines with? And how are these errors identified and corrected? Prof. Giancarlo Ruocco (ivBM-4PAP Coordinator) together with other scientists and experts will answer these and other questions at the Festival Delle Scienze on 21th April at the Auditorium Parco Della Musica Ennio Morricone in Rome.

First ivBM-4PAP Review Meeting

News, Meetings
April 16, 2024
The first ivBM-4PAP review meeting was held online and successfully concluded on the 10th of April 2024! The project results have been presented via individual workpackages in a very friendly atmosphere to the project officer and technical reviewers. The project execution paradigm didn't need to be changed as all the planned milestones, results and deliverables for the first reporting period have been successfully reached. The consortium is already working on the next deliverables to be addresed. Congratulations to the whole team!

Latest news from the ivBM-4PAP project!

February 21, 2024
Our researchers Michele Monti and Jonathan Fiorentino (post-docs at Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in the RNA Systems Biology lab directed by Gian Gaetano Tartaglia) recently joined the conference “Physics of Biomolecules: Structure, Dynamics and Function” ( in Bressanone (Italy) with two invited talks. 

ivBM-4PAP 2nd Consortium Meeting

News, Meetings
February 13, 2024

The second ivBM-4PAP Consortium meeting was held in Zaragoza, on 31nd Jan-1st Feb 2024, hosted by Prof. Nunilo Cremades at the Institute of Biocomputing and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI) of the University of Zaragoza.

In the first day, both scientific and management sessions were discussed. Basically, all the partners presented their scientific activities reached in the first Reporting Period (Month 12, i.e. 29th February 2024) based on the Grant Agreement signed with the EU Commission. As expected, all the tasks were carried out as planned in due time. In the following session (management), the guidelines and deadlines for planning the work on the 1st ivBM-4PAP Periodic Report to the EU Commission were shared with the Consortium by the IIT project management staff aimed at creating a smooth coordination among the partners to achieve the final goal in the due date, i.e. 31th March 2024.

The next Consortium Appointment will be the 1st Review Meeting (online) with the ivBM-4PAP Project Officer (PO) and external experts for evaluating the scientific work, the project impact (from the scientific, technological, economic and social points of view) and the management procedures carried out in this first year of action.

IIT, not only robot

October 20, 2023
If at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) headquarters in Genoa the focus is robotics, at the Center for Life Nano- & Neuro- Science in Rome (CLN2S@Sapienza) life sciences are studied, with particular attention to neurodegenerative diseases. Thanks to the €3M funding granted by the European Union within the framework of the Horizon Europe program for research and innovation, the new generation Micro4PAP microscope will be developed, capable of detecting in vivo mechanical properties of a cell such as elasticity, rigidity and viscosity, without altering or destroying the object studied.

ivBM-4PAP First Consortium Meeting

News, Meetings
October 02, 2023

On 29 September, the Consortium of the ivBM-4PAP project met online to examine the state-of-play of ongoing project activities, six months after its kick-off.

The meeting was divided into two sessions. In the first one, the PIs shared their advancements based on the project’s achievements to be reached within the end of the first Reporting Period (i.e. February 2024). The following session focused on financial management, dissemination, exploitation and communication strategies/activities planned in the first year of the project. Overall, the project is running smoothly and the partners headed back with the good perspective of being in the right way for achieving the 1st year project tasks in due time.

The next Consortium Meeting is planned to be held in person on January 2024 at Zaragoza (Spain).

The BIFI researcher is part of the international team that has achieved European funding of €3M for the European project ivBM-4PAP.

September 20, 2023
The group led by Nunilo Cremades at the BIFI Institute of the University of Zaragoza will contribute its experience in protein aggregation processes associated with neurodegenerative diseases in order to identify new methods for diagnosing these diseases through the use of Micro4PAP.

Biochemist Nunilo Cremades contributes to a new generation microscope.

September 20, 2023
The BIFI researcher at the University of Zaragoza is part of the international team that has achieved European funding of €3M for the European project ivBM-4PAP The new device will facilitate the understanding of both physiological and pathological processes, such as those involved in neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases.

The biochemist Nunilo Cremades takes part to the EU funded ivBM-4PAP project.

September 20, 2023
The biochemist Nunilo Cremades, researcher at the Institute of Biocomputing and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI) of the University of Zaragoza, participates in the development of a new generation Micro4PAP microscope, capable of obtaining in vivo images of the mechanical properties of cells (stiffness, viscosity), which will undoubtedly facilitate the understanding of both physiological and pathological processes, such as those involved in neurodegenerative and neurodevelopmental diseases.

New generation of Brillouin Microscopes for in vivo imaging of cell mechanics

September 19, 2023
Researchers at the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia are working on a new generation of microscopes for in-vivo imaging of cell mechanical properties. Micro4PAP is a promising tool for clinical-oriented research, enhancing the capability for early disease detection, diagnosis, and therapy.

A microscope to peek at the secrets of live cells

September 13, 2023
Spying on what happens in the microscope of the world of cells without damaging them: this is the goal of Micro4Pap

A new microscope generation for in-vivo imaging of cells mechanics

September 13, 2023

A tool that uses light to study biological molecules without interfering with their nanometric structure and that allows scientists to image basic living mechanisms with sub-millisecond acquisition time. 

ivBM-4PAP Kick-off Meeting

News, Meetings
April 21, 2023
ivBM-4PAP official kick-off meeting (KoM) was held virtually on Microsoft Teams on April 21, 2023, since scientists from the five Institutions composing the consortium met in person in Rome in a 1-day event hosted by CrestOptics a few days after the starting date of the project (March 1st, 2023). Accordingly, the KoM was structured as a half-day event in which the project was addressed both from the scientific and management points of view. Therefore, the participation of administrative staff from some Institutions was particularly appreciated. At the beginning of the meeting, as coordinator, Prof. Giancarlo Ruocco (Italian Institute of Technology, IIT) gave an overview of the whole project structure, followed by presentations by ivBM-4PAP partners. The content of presentations included a description of tasks, deliverables, and upcoming actions of the respective WPs. The last part of the event was dedicated to project coordination and management and discussing the plan for dissemination, exploitation and communication activities as essential aspects of a successful project. To facilitate discussions, a Q&A session was organised at the end of the meeting, and this led to positive interactions among participants, fostering a successful and proactive collaboration within the consortium.